
How Battery Design Review Improves Your 产品s




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Booming industries tend to work through some growing pains as they hurry to meet new and changing demands, and battery manufacturing is no exception. With energy storage needs at an all-time high and new battery cell manufacturers pouring into the market, subpar battery cells can make their way into a supply chain and end up causing problems in otherwise high-quality consumer products. If you need to be certain that your batteries are high-quality and will meet your expectations for performance and longevity, a qualified battery testing lab can conduct a battery design review. This process provides insight into how your batteries are constructed and how they will perform in use.

How is a battery design review performed?

在我们的电池实验室, the process starts when we receive samples of the cells or batteries in question from the client. 如果我们被要求审查电池组, we begin by evaluating how the cells are arranged and connected: checking for strong connections, 适当的焊接, 适当的位置, 良好的电池保护和绝缘. We can also compare the cells’ arrangement with the circuit to assess the risk of over-discharge that could cause copper dissolution.

电池的, we investigate the circuit board to ensure all the components are functioning properly. We will note whether the circuit has protections like overcurrent/over voltage protection and if those protections are working appropriately. We look at the general quality of the circuit to see if it presents any 安全 concerns or performance issues.

在单个细胞水平上, 我们使用x射线, CT扫描, or a combination of both to examine electrode alignment, 制表符的结构和位置, 整体设计质量, noting any anomalies and indicating their severity. We then perform a cell teardown and use our decades of experience to find any performance or 安全 issues.

结合设计评审, we can conduct abuse and performance testing to offer more information on the product’s performance under a variety of conditions. A comprehensive test plan that covers many facets of design, 安全, and performance arms you with the data to create more reliable products.


A battery design review provides a wealth of information that can help you stay ahead of your competition, 超越客户期望, 确保安全, 保护你的品牌, 还能省钱. A few of the most prevalent concerns a design review can address are:

〇避免伪造 Counterfeiting has become more prevalent as the battery industry has become more profitable. Even reputable companies with good quality control can be fooled by sophisticated counterfeiters or resellers who take used brand-name cells out of old products to resell.

新供应商的质量检查 Many new suppliers are entering the battery market, 而且没有既定的声誉, it can be difficult to know how their batteries will perform. If you are evaluating a new potential supplier, 设计审查可以给你一个彻底的, unbiased impression of a battery’s quality.

对竞争对手进行基准测试 作为设计审查的一部分, a battery lab can provide a comparison between your battery or cell and others already on the market. This may give you the information you need to choose a better supplier, or simply help you understand where your product sits in the market so you can make appropriate advertising and pricing decisions.

Finding the root cause of a known problem - If you have a concern about how your battery is performing, a design review can identify the cause and allow you to make changes, 寻找新的供应商, or adjust product recommendations to keep end users safe and satisfied.

If you think a battery design review will benefit your product and your company, contact the experts at im体育APP to get more information and to ask any questions you may have. im体育APP has the largest battery testing capacity in North America, and employs the industry’s top battery testing experts, offering the right combination of education and hands-on experience to support all your battery testing needs quickly, 准确地, 和彻底. We have the tools and knowledge to test a wide range of chemistries and novel designs, 包括硅, 固态, 凝胶电解质, 锂离子, 碱性, 还有金属氢化镍.

立即im体育APP, or 访问我们的电池测试页面 了解更多信息.

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im体育APP stays up-to-date with the latest industry trends, 包括汽车, 医疗, 和技术. We offer comprehensive battery testing services for a wide variety of batteries and cells.



im体育APP’s battery performance testing provides crucial insight on how your battery will perform under real-world conditions.



保障消费者安全, 确保可靠的性能, and support your brand’s reputation with advanced battery 安全 testing for a wide range of battery-powered products. 


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.